Ambient Temperature Display Introduction | Common Faults & Fixes | Part Information | Wiring & Tech Info |
Part Information The original parts from the ATD system on the S2 have been superseded as follows :
Reckon on prices of approx eighty pounds for the display module and fifty pounds for the temp sensor from your friendly neighbourhood Audi dealership. These need only be purchased as a last resort - make sure to check the wiring and common faults & fixes before condemning any existing parts as you cannot return electrical items to the nice Audi parts man if they have been specially ordered. |
Other ATD components from other S-Cars are NOT readily interchangeable as there are mysterious specification and wiring differences as yet unknown. Updates will be posted here as soon as I get them ! Later cars such as the A4 have an entirely different ATD module that is more elegantly integrated with the instrument cluster, but the ambient temp sensor can successfully be interchanged from the A4 to the S2 as hinted by the part number shown above. |
Last Updated 7th April 2002